- Kuesioner diperoleh dengan cara menyalin dari kuesioner yang dimiliki dan telah digunakan oleh instansi atau perusahaan lain. Cara pengadaan kuesioner seperti ini dapat berakibat ketidaksesuaian tujuan, instrumen, dan aspek-aspek penelitian yang akan digali;
- Penentuan parameter yang digunakan tidak relevan dengan permasalahan yang hendak digali. Contohnya, bila akan mengukur ketidakpuasan, gunakan parameter sangat puas, puas, netral, puas, sangat puas bukan sangat setuju, setuju, netral, tidak setuju dan sangat tidak setuju;
- Penentuan skala pada pilihan skor berjumlah genap. Dalam prosedur penelitian terdapat pilihan skala yang dapat digunakan dalam penyusunan kuesioner, antara lain menggunakan skala likert (5) atau skala semantik (7) dan keduanya berjumlah ganjil, ;
- Isian data responden ang diminta terlalu lengkap. Bila data responden terlalu lengkap dapat responden enggan/tidak mau melengkapi data responden bahkan mengosongkan semua data personal yang diminta. Responden, umumnya merasa khawatir dan tidak nyaman bila kejujurannya diketahui oleh pihak penyelenggara penelitian. Bila data responden tidak terisi, akibatnya data pengisian kuesioner justeru tidak dapat diolah karena data tidak dapat dipetakan. Yang terpenting adalah, bahwa profil responden yang diminta haruslah relevan, sesuai dengan kebutuhan penelitian;
- Petunjuk pengisian & informasi kegunaan penelitian tidak tersedia. Hal ini sangat mempengaruhi kesungguhan responden dalam mengisi kuesioner;
- Tidak dilakukan verifikasi. Tidak semua kuesioner yang telah terisi dan terkumpul dapat diolah menjadi data penelitian. Sesuai prosedur penelitian, data responden dan isian kuesoner yang tidak lengkap menyebabkan lembar kuesioner tidak dapat diolah dan harus diabaikan;
- Tidak tahu cara mengolah, membaca, menyimpulkan hasil penelitian. Ada beberapa metode ilmiah dalam pengolahan dan penyimpulan data. Jadi, hasil pengisian kuesioner tidak dapat diolah secara sembarangan namun harus sesuai prosedur yang telah ditentukan dalam metode yang diterapkan;
- Menyepelekan proses distribusi, pengisian & pengumpulan. Pendistribusian, pengisian dan pengumpulan kuesioner yang dilakukan secara salah, berpotensi menghasilkan kesimpulan yang tidak reliabel dan bias. Artinya, kesimpulan yang dihasilkan tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan karena potensi terjadi penyimpangan selama proses penelitian;
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
It is not easy to be a good speaker. Let's say to be a master of ceremony, to be a lecturer, to be an anchor both in radio or television, to be orator, etc.
- Master of Cermony (MC), There are 2 (two) types of MC, they are : formal MC and informal MC. The formal one is more easier because at least you just read every session of program as a formal event has protocoler procedure that regulate it. The most important thing that you have to obey being a MC at formal event is, be polite, do not make any personal comment but just explain the crucial thing during the event and make the situation is understandable by the audience. Hence, you need to learn as much as you can about the program before you do your job. Find out what the program is, who the person in charge is, when it has/would be happen, what the achievement has already get it, etc. To make everybody respect you, wearing formal dress with ordinary color such as black tie.
- But for being MC in informal event, it is quite different. Informal event include birthday party, farewell party, reunion party, anniversary reception, informal weeding reception, music event, product launching, etc. You need to be more creative and talkative. The most difficult duty being a MC in informal event is you need to make everybody involve with your event ! Frankly speaking, to be an informal MC is more difficult than a formal MC. However, you have to make everybody enjoy your event, and it would not be an easly thing. Hence, you have to create interesting & funny games, simple role-play, surprise thing, doorprize, etc. Being an informal MC, you are able to create the program by yourself as it is your own ! You are the boss ! The event is depend on you ! But of course you have to discuss it with the owner of the program. Finally, you need to wear an extraordinary, extravagant dress to make everybody stare at you !
- To be a lecturer, absolutely there is requirement to be a lecturer, above of all is you need to know weel about the topic that you will teach ! Knowing every single student as long as you can, it would make them impressed to you ! Create a comfortable situation by doing discussion, group presentation, experiment, or playing games that inlvolve all the student ! The most important thing to be a lecturer is just trying to be fair. It means that you need to be an open mind person and should be fair to be criticized by the student. By the other hand, as some one who has bigger bargaining position and older, you have to emphasize and understand of the student psichologycally. Mostly lecturer prefer to do their job by sitting on their chair. Hence, the best thing you can do is just walking arround the class and doing two way communication to your student.
- To be an anchor. Well, it sound so good, but in fact these job is not really easy too to be done ! Similar with being MC, being anchor is also depend on the program you will be running of. The key is, be polite and behave is a must. If you have an opportunity to interview someone, you should be on the netral position. Moreover, you have to explore proportinaly at topic you are talking are, on the good side and on the bad side. Then, do not trying your sources depress caused of your question, you are not the judge, so do not pussh him. Furthermore, television is audiovisual media so that the audience are able to see the anchor and the situation bacground just in time. Hence, be careful with your dress especially if you have to report an out door live program. When you are talking, walking or doing anything during reportation, your clothes possibly look in a bad view (open by the wind, wet by the rain, etc). It's accindentaly, but anyway you still have to obey universal values in your area. When your body is not really slim, so please do not wearing a tight blouse or t-shirt.
Well, it's just a litlle note. Hopely it would be "something" for you !
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